To prepare for changes to supply and demand, the City of Steamboat Springs and Mount Werner Water strive to implement strategies that promote water supply resiliency by preparing for growth, planning for drought and wildfire, planning for a Colorado River Compact Call, implementing water conservation, and developing a redundant supply. In 2019 the City and District completed an update to their Water Supply Master Plan (WSMP), which helps accomplish the items above by assessing the availability of current and future water supplies to meet future consumptive municipal demands under a series of growth and climate scenarios. This Water Conservation Plan update builds on the 2019 WSMP effort. This plan is an update to the City and District 2011 Water Conservation Plan and was developed in accordance with Colorado Statute and the Colorado Water Conservation Board’s (CWCB) guidelines.

“Water conservation is a key strategy in developing a sustainable community; it demonstrates responsible stewardship of our water resources and responsible management of our infrastructure and financial resources. By raising citizen awareness, a conservation program can also prepare the community to respond effectively to drought conditions or other water emergencies and to accept and adapt to progressively more stringent conservation measures.”

Read the Water Conservation Plan

This information is also posted on the City website at: www.steamboatsprings.net.

Drinking water is a very precious resource and should be used in moderation. Excess, unnecessary water use not only depletes the current supply of water but can also wreak havoc on your water bill. Learning to use the water available to us effectively and efficiently can help the environment and your wallet! There are four basic strategies for conserving water both inside and outside of the home:

  • Economize
  • Repair leaks
  • Install water-saving devices
  • Reuse water


  • Don’t use the toilet to flush anything that should go in the garbage can – 2 to 7 gallons of water go into the sewer every time a toilet is flushed.
  • Cut down on shower time – most showers use 5 to 10 gallons of water a minute.
  • Turn the water off while shaving or brushing your teeth.
  • Make sure the dishwasher is completely full before running it – most dishwashers use about 12 gallons of water per run.
  • Don’t use the washing machine until you have a full load, or set your machine for a smaller load – most washing machines use in excess of 40 gallons of water per load.
  • Fix leaks! Many leaks can waste up to 20 gallons of water a day. A leaky toilet running ¼ gallon per minute equals 360 gallons per day.
  • Know where your main shutoff valve is in case you ever need to turn off the water supply to your house.
  • Know where other shutoff valves are. Sinks, toilets and other fixtures usually have their own.

Click here for more information on How to Conserve Water in the Bathroom.


  • Water plants only when they need it, not on a fixed schedule. Avoid watering in direct sunlight or when it’s very hot. The water is more likely to evaporate rather than be absorbed by the plants.
  • Keep your lawn and garden weed-free. Weeds are water hogs!
  • Allow water to soak in slowly. Don’t try for a quick drowning, as the water will likely just evaporate.
  • Never leave the sprinkler running all day. Outdoor spigots can pump out 5 to 10 gallons a minute.
  • When washing your car, use a bucket of soapy water and save the hose for rinsing.
  • Don’t clean your driveway with the hose – a broom can do the same job!

For other helpful conservation ideas, visit the links shown below.